「Fanza Dmm R18 Jav sora00046」 Exhibitionist Adultery Journey. After graduating a business school in Kochi Prefecture, she moves to the bright lights of Tokyo where she frolics in trendy neighborhoods like Shibuya and Roppongi during the bubble economy of the 90's! At one party she meets a rich banker and gets married to him, the cherry on top of a cake of success. However, after they marry, her husband suddenly starts to restrict her from doing the things she likes. Once she has a kid, her husband gets even more cool and controlling towards her, even checking the receipts for the evening food shop. She can't live this way anymore, she needs to break free and live the high life again.. Exhibitionist Adultery Diary (42-Year-Old) Mirei Kyono. 露出不倫紀行 京野美麗(42歳) 高知県の商業●校卒業後、憧れの東京を目指して上京。まだバブルのムードが残る六本木や渋谷で派手に遊んだ。コンパで知り合った金持ちの銀行員と結婚、人生の勝ち組だった。しかし結婚前とはうって変わって夫は私を束縛してきた。子供が産まれ、夫はますます保守的になり、夫婦間は冷え切った。夕ごはんの買い物のレシートすらチェックされる窮屈な日々。こんな生活耐えられない。もっと快楽主義で行きたいの。 【※画像・音声に多少の乱れがあります】※ 配信方法によって収録内容が異なる場合があります。 特集: ライブチャット 人妻フロアでキャンペーン中! 露出不倫紀行。